
Faʻavasegaina ma le faʻatinoga o le faʻaaogaina o tagata

O le i totonu o tagata faipule


Faʻavasegaina oO le i totonu o tagata faipule


Galue o loʻo faʻaaogaina

Active welding positioners are equipped with a motor or other actuator that allows for the precise manipulation of the workpiece. O nei matata e masani ona aʻoaʻoina ma e mafai ona faʻaaogaina mo le lautele o le lautele o talosaga, e aofia ai le Ofu na ulagia, afu faʻatasiga. Active positioners also offer a high level of accuracy and repeatability, making them suitable for high-volume production environments.


Pasia o tagata faipule

Passive welding positioners, on the other hand, do not require a motor or actuator to position the workpiece. O nei masini e masani ona fuafuaina e galue ma ni vaega faʻapitoa o mea faigaluega poʻo ni ituaiga faʻapitoa o gaioiga o le atoa o gaioiga, pei o le kesi tisaina arc asc webed (gtaw). Passive positioners are generally less expensive than active positioners and are suitable for lower-volume production or hobbyist applications.


Active Actives mo le USlding Coitiors

A filifilia se maa tuʻufaʻatasia, e taua le mafaufau i ana uiga faaalia, e aofia ai ma le toe fai, saʻo, utaina agavaʻa, ma le saoasaoa o le faʻagaioiga.


Toe fai



Accuracy refers to the ability of a positioner to accurately position workpieces within a given tolerance range. A faʻamaoni e taua, pei o le taua o gaioiga o gaioiga, e taua le filifilia o se tagata faʻapipiʻi i tulaga maualuga.


Load capacity refers to a positioner's ability to handle different weights and sizes of workpieces. A filifilia se tusi iloiloina, e taua le manatu i lona umi o le maualuga o agavaʻa ma mautinoa e talafeagai mo le faʻaaogaina o alavai o le tele o fale faigaluega ma mamafa.


Saoasaoa o le taotoga

O le saoasaoa o le faʻagaioiga e faʻasino i le saoasaoa lea o loʻo mafai ai e se tagata ona faʻagaioi ma tulaga faigaluega. In high-volume production environments, speed is an important consideration. Selecting a high-speed positioner can significantly reduce cycle times and increase productivity. However, it is important to balance speed with accuracy and repeatability to ensure quality welding results.

Taimi o le taimi: OC-18-2023